The Inquisitive Yellow-Faced Honeyeater


Yellow-faced Honeyeater sitting on a branch

Just walking along the Lane Cove River Track from Chatswood and this guy popped down to say hi. Thanks to my new Canon 5R and its silent shutter, I was able to photograph him without frightening him. My old 1Dx used to make a shockingly loud noise scaring the birds half out of their wits.

Yellow-faced Honeyeater looking sideways sitting on a branch

I love getting a shot of the birds back because this is usually where the prettiest feather patterns are.

Well, that's it for now. I'm off to get ready for the theatre. 

Stay well. 



Official Name: Yellow-faced Honeyeater - Lichenostomus chrysops, Meliphagidae

Location: Widespread from Queensland to South Australia

Habitat: Forest and Woodlands near water and wetlands

Conservation Status: Secure

For more information go to BirdLife Australia



My Curious Camera is professional portrait photographer, Nina Beilby. That's me. 😃 📷📷

Follow me as I travel through life with my camera by my side, I share snippets and snaps of my daily adventures.

With my camera at my side, I've been able to record moments of jubilation and happiness. When I have had some of my darkest moments, my adventures with my camera have given me purpose and joy. I hope they give you some too.



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