London I'm home and a visit to Margaret Thatcher's Final Resting Place

As we made our way through the streets from Paddington station, a warm hug sensation gripped me in its flabby arms and said "welcome home". I was actually made right here in London so it is home in a sense.

What a beautiful time of the morning to arrive. The light softly brightened through the cloud as throngs of people quietly shuffled their way to their jobs. 

I'd normally negotiate the Tube but there had been a strike yesterday and the stations were closed until later that morning. With my phone charge running low, I wasn't able to book an Uber so I hailed a cab.

What a lovely man. We chatted about cultivating Bonsai and his remarkable ability to get a Monstera deliciosa to bloom as we wound our way through the lightly trafficked streets toward Pimlico.

An actual warm hug awaited as Bridget opened her door to her vintage basement flat for me. Over a pot of very welcomed hot English Breakfast tea, although here it is simply "tea", we caught up on family, our loves and losses, and plans for an upcoming trip to Northern Ireland.

With Bridget having a busy morning at aquafit and a visit to the hairdressers, I decided upon a brisk walk to Royal Chelsea to say hi to my friend Sue's dad who is interred in the grounds by the Daffodils near to Margaret Thatcher's grave.

The gates were shut but when I explained to the nice guardsmen that I was here at the request of my friend, they kindly sought permission for me to enter. With my bright red lanyard signifying my station as visitor, I passed through the ancient burial ground with its crumbling mossy headstones, who was General Neville Lyttleton anyway, the name is familiar, to the soft patch of daffodils which signify the resting place of my friend's father.

My visit to Royal Chelsea Hospital was not complete without a visit to Maggie Thatcher's final resting place. This woman was a formidable force and inspiration as I was making my way through the minefield of the 1980's as a career woman.

Stay well and have a great week.

Nina 😀


My Curious Camera is professional portrait photographer, Nina Beilby. That's me. 😃 📷📷

Follow me as I travel through life with my camera by my side, I share snippets and snaps of my daily adventures.

With my camera at my side, I've been able to record moments of jubilation and happiness. When I have had some of my darkest moments, my adventures with my camera have given me purpose and joy. I hope they give you some too.



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