Medieval meets Art Deco - Eltham Palace, London

Eltham Palace showing the moat and grass

An eclectic mix of medieval and art deco, this is an interesting spot to visit. 

Henry VIII spent much of his childhood here but ended up favouring Hampton court. It suffered during the WWII bombing of London and in 1933 was purchased by Stephen and Virginia Courtauld and refurbished in art deco style.

I found it kind of an odd mix but it was an interesting visit nonetheless. I hope you enjoy the pics.

Stay well and have a great week.

Nina 😀


My Curious Camera is professional portrait photographer, Nina Beilby. That's me. 😃 📷📷

Follow me as I travel through life with my camera by my side, I share snippets and snaps of my daily adventures.

With my camera at my side, I've been able to record moments of jubilation and happiness. When I have had some of my darkest moments, my adventures with my camera have given me purpose and joy. I hope they give you some too.



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