Sacred Kingfisher - Finally
My fellow LCNP photographers don't seem to have a problem tracking this guy. He's also been spotted by many a kayaker. Alas, in the years I've been walking through the park, I've only ever spotted him a couple of times and only for seconds at that. I'm on a quest to find him every day. Hmm, maybe I'll buy a kayak for Christmas! Well, that's it for now. I'm off to get food. I've run out again. I'd really rather be in the park shooting birds! Stay well. Nina _________________________________________________________________________ Official Name: Sacred Kingfisher - Todiramphus sanctus, Halcyonidae Location: Widespread Coastal Australia Habitat: Forest and Woodlands near water and wetlands Conservation Status: Secure For more information go to BirdLife Australia _________________________________________________________________________ THE AUTHOR My Curious Camera is professional portrait photographer, Nina Beilby. That's me. 😃 📷📷 F...